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Sunday, June 23, 2002

From Uncle Chris - my favorite story of the day from a Jen Cowart email

"Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 21:34:54 -0400
So we decided we didn't like either of the baby names we'd picked out for Number Two. (This happened to us last minute last time, too, hence the name Caroline rather than Abigail.) So we bought a new book the other night and made a new list. So last night we decided to ask Caroline what she thought of some of the names. We wanted to hear her say each one and see if she actually could say some of the longer ones and we wanted to hear her "thoughts" on the names. So we went down the boy list of three or four names and the girl list of six or seven names (girl names are MUCH easier than boy names) and at the end we said to her "So Caroline, what names do you like for the baby?" So she said - and this is when we knew she had no clue what the he-- we were talking about- "Umm, let's see, I like Green." So we both at the same time said "Green?" and she said "Umm hmmm, how 'bout Blue?" Blue?? So then she said "Yes, and I like corn, and broccoli and apple juice." Oh. "But Mommy, you can't eat apple juice, it's a drink."

So, that's our baby's name, Apple Juice Cowart. It's a new trend, naming after things you can drink. You know, a kick back to OJ Simpson."
posted: caroline cowart 12:21 AM [+]

Saturday, June 22, 2002
Soon to come, some funny stories about me... Caroline Rose Cowart!
posted: caroline cowart 11:47 PM [+]

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