Uncle Chris
June 23, 2002

Just testing out the guestbook...making sure it sitill works!

I do not now
February 28, 2002

how do you make icecream??????????????????????????????????????/

Uncle Chris
November 11, 2000

Hi Caroline! Just stopped by to make sure everything was running smoothly online! Looks like you have lots of visitors on your site! Can't wait to see you again...start counting down! December 20 isn't that far away! Love, Uncle Chris

October 31, 2000

Hi Caroline, It's been a while since I've visited your webpage. How much it has changed! You're a very lucky little girl. Your mother is a great photographer, and she loves to take photos of you as you grow and change, and your Uncle Chris is very talented when it comes to creating such a fun webpage and keeping it updated. I especially liked the photo of you in our kitchen sink (August #2). In fact, I liked one of them so much that your Uncle Chris showed me how to have it on my "desktop" so now I can smile whenever I turn my computer on. I know you're not feeling too well today, but I hope you'll be better very soon. Love and kisses, Grandma Cerbo

mike and yola
October 18, 2000

cool pictures!!!! she has grown soooo much!!! I hope she still has those blue eyes. Yolanda thinks that she is beautiful and funny. Her words not mine.

Kimberley Paulhardt
October 17, 2000

Hi Caroline, I cannot believe that you are turning one year old in a couple of weeks. You have a great photo album and I cannot wait to see you again. Say hi to mom and dad for me and I will see you in a couple of weeks. Love, Kim

Gloria Medeiros
October 17, 2000

Great pictures!!!

Alicia Stoddard
October 17, 2000

Caroline, I can't believe how big you are getting! I love the photos of you in the sink; you are just adorable...

Aunt Jessica
October 17, 2000

I love looking at pictures of my beautiful neice. She is growing fast and doing incredible things....We love her!

Katie McCarthy
October 16, 2000

Caroline is so beautiful! It's so fun to see her growing up in the photos. I can't wait until we can get our parents together again so that we can play!!!

Janet Gill
October 16, 2000

Hi Cowarts, What a beautiful baby! Emma is a real cutie too. I have a soft spot for beagles. Happy Birthday soon. 

October 16, 2000

I can't believe how big Caroline is! She is so beautiful. I hope to see you all in Providence when we go to the Fall Forum, November 9-12. A bunch of us are going and we'll send details soon. Lois

Uncle Chris
October 15, 2000

Happy almost birthday!!

Uncle Steve & Auntie Edie
September 30, 2000

Hi Caroline, We were so happy to see you on Saturday night. You are so beautiful and fun to play with. It took a long time for you to fall asleep because we were having too much fun playing with the spoons and looking at Halloween decorations (you know what we didn't mind)!. Now it is 9:50pm and you are fast asleep in our spare room like a little angel. We love you! Auntie Edie & Uncle Steve

Uncle Chris
September 23, 2000

Hi there! I'm packing up and getting ready to move to a new apartment (I just packed up your picture from my bureau!) so I thought I'd drop you a note to say hello. I heard you had an ear infection... :( I'm sure you'll be feeling better very soon. It's time to start the countdown again! I'll be home in just about 30 days, so mark your calendar. Hope all is well. Love ya!! -Uncle Chris

Grandma Cerbo
May 05, 2000

Well, Caroline, at long last here we are visiting with your Uncle Chris in California. Guess who's picture I saw as soon as I walked into his bedroom -- yours, of course, and you look so cute smiling out at him. I know he can't wait to see you in just a few weeks. We had sunny weather when we landed in Los Angeles yesterday, and although it's not sunny out now, we're hoping it will improve by mid-afternoon. Yesterday we went to your uncle's office and met some of the people he works with at Fox Kids. It looks like a really fun place to work. There are colored streamers and paper chains and big cartoon characters all over the place. It's hard not to smile when you see it. Well, that's it for now. We're about to go off to see a few things and then plan to go to the Dreamworks office to meet a friend of his and have lunch. Sounds like a fun day. Wish you were here (although you probably wouldn't appreciate it yet). Love, Grandma Cerbo

Uncle Chris
April 28, 2000

Happy SIX MONTHS, Caroline! Only 30 days until we get to see each other again. Love, Uncle Chris

Cousin Kasey
April 27, 2000

Uncle Chris as Caroline's cousin I thank you for posting my picture I am on my way to fame! i LOVE MY COUSIN CAROLINE! We just met and I know we are going to be best buddies. Kasey

Chris's old roommate Liz
April 27, 2000

Dear Caroline, Did you know your mommy sent pictures of you to my roommate and I got to see them? You are the cutest little thing ever! Congratulations on your first time standing up. I hope I get to see you do it when I visit in May! 

Uncle Chris
April 09, 2000

Hi there! Just stopping by to say hello and make sure the guestbook is still working! I'll see you in 49 days. :) Love, Uncle Chris


Grandma Cowart
My Stars 6@aol.com
March 25, 2000

Caroline, I so enjoy looking at your new pictures and hearing about the adventures you are giving your mom and
dad. That a girl, keep them on their toes!!! You are growing so fast and I am counting the days until you come to
visit me in Virginia. We are going to have so much fun together. From all the stories I hear about your "poppy
diapers" I think I will let your parents do all the changing while you are visiting. I will also stock up on candles!!
Love you so much, Grandma Cowart


Kathleen Marie McCarthy
March 15, 2000

Hi Caroline! It was so nice to see you. You are beautiful. I love all of your hair. It looks so gorgeous in the bow.
Now I can't wait to meet you in person. Love, Katie


Kasey Marie Morello
March 15, 2000

Hi Caroline, I came into this world March 2, 2000, not to long after you...I have heard so much about you and
can't wait for us to meet. We are going to be the best of cousins! All my love, Kasey Marie


Nicole Choiniere
March 14, 2000

Hi Caroline! So glad to see you are a woman of the nineties! I love your webpage and the fact that you keep it
updated. Lots of love and hugs being sent your way! Love, Nicole


March 13, 2000

You get more beautiful everyday. Pretty soon you will be able to braid your hair. Love you Gloria


Jacob Schmauder
February 17, 2000

Dear Caroline- I hope you're having a fun week. Sincerely, Jacob Schmauder Gr.4


Uncle Chris
February 17, 2000

Happy Valentine's Day, cutie!

Ryan McEntee
January 13, 2000 

Congratulations! How wonderful! 

Cindy Cowart Hall
January 07, 2000 

CONGRATULATIONS! Caroline is a beautiful name for such a beautiful baby girl. 

Cindy Cowart Hall
January 07, 2000 

CONGRATULATIONS! Caroline is a beautiful name for such a beautiful baby girl. 

Cindy Cowart Hall
January 07, 2000 

CONGRATULATIONS! Caroline is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl. Such a head full of gorgeous black hair. 

Barbara and John
December 26, 1999 

Welcome to the world, little one! Your parents are sure lucky! We are friends of your grandparents, Pat and Vinny, and at dinner the other night they let us know about babysitting for you recently. You have a knack for keeping them on their toes, it would seem, from their description. And you definitely know exactly who is your mother when she enters a room. Your webpage is adorable. Will be looking for more pictures soon (especially after yesterday's holiday!) Love, Barbara and John 

Gloria Medeiros
December 12, 1999 

Merry Christmas Caroline and Mommy & Daddy 

Scott & Jenn Feder
November 26, 1999 

Congratulations she is beautiful. We hope to see you all soon. 

Scott & Jenn Feder
November 26, 1999 

Congratulations she is beautiful! We hope to see you all very soon. 

Patti, Scott, Zachary and Christian
November 26, 1999 

She is just beautiful! What wonderful pictures. We hope that you are all doing well. Take good care of your little angel...you are truly blessed!!! Hopefully we'll get to meet her soon. Love to all!!! 

Ron & Lorraine Giardino
November 22, 1999 

Mailed your card recently. Glad you're going out enjoying yourself so soon. Get all the babysitting you can! Remember the Saturday nights your parents used to go out with their friends!! All you have to do now is get uncle Steven and Aunt Edie to sit too. Good luck and congradulations again. L&R 

Erin Jackson
November 16, 1999 

Congratulations Mrs. and Mr. Cowart. I miss having you as a teacher. Good Luck with Caroline. I hope I get to meet her soon. Love, Erin 

Suzanne Owens
November 16, 1999 

Hi, new girl Caroline! You sure are a cutie. Yikes! What hair! You will need a haircut by Christmastime. Well, I hope to meet you soon, and the baby in my tumtum just kicked me, so I think The Wee One wants to meet you, too! I sure hope you two will be friends. Have a happy first Thanksgiving. I know Mommy and Daddy are so thankful you are finally here. Love, Suzanne ps- Nice work, Uncle Chris. Would you like to do a site for me in March??? 

Uncle Dave
November 15, 1999 

Hi baby Caroline, can't wait to meet you I have heard so much about you from Aunt Jessica and Grandma Cowart. You are up with the times - your own web site and everything. WWW.Iloveit.com Love Uncle Dave 

lois margolis
November 15, 1999 

Congratulation! Caroline is beautiful! I am so happy for you all. I'll write soon. Love Lois 

Steve Clark
November 15, 1999 

Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures. 

Kim Parker
November 15, 1999 

Don & Jen- Congratulations! What a beautiful baby you have. Thanks for sharing the photos with me...I really enjoyed seeing them. Take care, Kim 

Jennifer Fraser
November 15, 1999 

Don and Jen, She is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! WHAT a head of hair!! I do think she may already look like Dad????? Don, I am sure you are ALREADY wrapped around that tiny pinky...Jen THAT is something to be used to YOUR advantage.....and it NEVER goes away!! I will keep updates at Indian Fields. Jennifer 

Evelyn & Joe Moore
November 14, 1999 

She is a beautiful baby. What a head of hair 

Alison and Diana Godlewski
November 13, 1999 

She's beautiful. Caroline is very lucky to have such wonderful parents. 

Alicia and Steve Stoddard
November 12, 1999 

Congratulations, Jen and Don!! You have a beautiful little girl (who looks absolutely adorable in pink - as we all knew she would) ! We wish you all the very best. With love, Alicia and Steve 

Alicia and Steve Stoddard
November 12, 1999 

Congratulations, Jen and Don!! You have a beautiful little girl (who looks absolutely adorable in pink - as we all knew she would) ! We wish you all the very best. With love, Alicia and Steve 

Chris and gang
November 12, 1999 

Alright already!! We need new pictures! We have seen all these. And Caroline needs to start sending messages back. Jen, make sure that you keep sleeping and don't over do. And of course, she is beautiful. Chelsea can't wait to give her a big lick. 

Kristen Slovak
November 11, 1999 

Congratulations to two of the sweetest people I know!!!! Caroline is so precious...as I found out today when I got to see her in person!!!! Wishing you the best always!! Love, Kristen 

Chris Raymond
November 11, 1999 

Congratulations yet again. Now I have another reason to trek up to RI. This one might just do it! 

Mark Kenyon
November 11, 1999 

Congratulations to the Cowart family!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Uncle Mark 

Kimberley Paulhardt
November 10, 1999 

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! I must be alittle computer illiterate because I just posted a message, but it did not go through. So here goes again!! You are soooooo cute Caroline and I cannot wait to meet you and of course see your parents!! I hope you are enjoying your new home and like your room that your dad worked so hard on!!! Hopefully, when you get old enough you will be able to use these computers better than us!!! Best wishes, Love, Kim 

Kimberley Paulhardt
November 10, 1999 

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! Caroline you are soooooooo cute!!! I cannot wait to meet you and see your parents, of course!!! See you soon. Best Wishes!!! Love Kim 

Lizzy Cogan
November 10, 1999 


Max Tortorello-Allen
November 10, 1999 

Welcome Caroline! Congratulations to Jen, Don, Sadie and the entire Cerbo and Cowart clans! Caroline, you are already beautiful and have undoubtedly won over the hearts of all who have met you. Get ready for the most wonderful experience of your lives and make sure to take lots and lots of pictures!My love to you all. 

Carolyn and Judi
November 10, 1999 

She is absolutely beautiful. When are we going to see her in person. Hope everyone is doing fine and simply enjoying your time with her. Take in every moment because time flies!!!! 

Grandma Cowart
November 10, 1999 

Caroline, you are everything a grandma could ask for. I loved you the moment I saw your sweet face, your long eyelashes, and of course, your long black hair. What a special gift we have received into our family. 

Nicole Wayne
November 09, 1999 

Congratulations Jen and Don! Your new daughter is absolutely beautiful. Welcome, Caroline Rose, to a loving and wonderful family I am privileged to know. And Uncle Chris - what a lovely website! Are you sure you're in the right business? Love, Nicole 

Melissa Pollard
November 09, 1999 

She's GORGEOUS !!!! 

Jamie and Julia Tortorello-Allen
November 09, 1999 

We typed in a search for "beautiful baby", and look what popped up! Julia says that she's happy to have found someone at last who speaks her language. She also says that she'd be happy to initiate Caroline into the baby union. They have many useful secrets about grown-ups, including how to keep them from ever putting you down, how to make sure that they never eat without feeding you first and how to appear irresistably cute even when fussing and crying. Just contact her at mommy's e-mail address and she'll pass on the details. 

Jamie and Julia Tortorello-Allen
November 09, 1999 

We typed in a search for "beautiful baby", and look what popped up! Julia says that she's happy to have found someone at last who speaks her language. She also says that she'd be happy to initiate Caroline into the baby union. They have many useful secrets about grown-ups, including how to keep them from ever putting you down, how to make sure that they never eat without feeding you first and how to appear irresistably cute even when fussing and crying. Just contact her at mommy's e-mail address and she'll pass on the details. 

Grandpa Cerbo
November 08, 1999 

Hi Caroline, By the time you read this, webpages will probably be obsolete. But, anyway, I love you. I love your tiny fingers and toes and your long hair. You will have to look at your baby pictures to know what I mean. Love, Grandpa Cerbo 

Grandma Cerbo
November 08, 1999 

Hi Caroline, I love your webpage! Be sure to say "thank you" (when you learn to talk, of course) to your Uncle Chris. 

Stephanie Levine
November 08, 1999 

Congratulations Jen and Don! What a special gift! Always remember, children learn what they live, so Caroline will be sure to live a happy and wonderful life! Take care...Steph 

Aunt Jessica
November 08, 1999 

Sweet Caroline, I can't wait to hold you in my arms! You look like an angel....Love you 11/8/99 We need some Aunt and Uncle pictures on this site :) 

Aunt Jessica
November 08, 1999 

Sweet Caroline, I can't wait to hold you in my arms! You look like an angel....Love you 11/8/99 We need some Aunt and Uncle pictures on this site :) 

Uncle Chris
November 07, 1999 

Congratulations to all of you! Love, Uncle Chris