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Friday, September 13, 2002

It's been on my mental list of things to do, to write this month's weblog for Month Two of Elizabeth's life, so here it is. I think I pretty much write one blog to catch up on everyone's life. Things continue to be busy. Don went back to work on August 26th, and started his Masters' Degree this semester at RIC, so I am back on my own during the days, trying to create some semblance of a routine and trying to keep up with things around the house. The hardest thing to keep up with is the girls' laundry. That's just unbelievable between the two of them. Otherwise, it's been pretty good! It might take us half the day, but we all get up, bathed and out every day! Both girls still are late sleepers, and get up between 9 and 10 am, so I consider myself blessed in the sleep department! Elizabeth sleeps some nights 3-4 hours at a stretch, some nights 5-8 hours at a stretch. Either way, it's not bad. She went for her 2 month appointment last Friday. She was 14 pounds 2 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long and got four shots. Caroline was a little nervous for her little sister during the shots but they both did ok. At two months Caroline was 12 pounds 12 ounces and 22 3/4 inches long. So, they're similar, both big! Caroline was always in the 100th percentile for weight and Elizabeth is off the charts. We've also recently weighed and measured Caroline out of curiosity. She's 33 pounds and 37 inches tall. She's grown about three inches this summer! She wears a size 10 sneaker and 4T clothes. At the beginning of summer she was a 3T, her belly is showing now when she wears 3T shirts. We had surprise visitors on the Friday of Labor Day weekend. Our doorbell rang at 10:30 am and when I opened the door (not yet showered)_who was there, but Uncle Chris and Nina, on a surprise visit from California! I'd been feeling so sad recently that they wouldn't see Elizabeth as a newborn, and yet here they were on my doorstep. It was so exciting that I burst into tears! Happy ones though. There was also some recent excitement in Emma's life. We'd had new, expensive berber carpet put in our whole upstairs. We had some extra squares and we used them at the doors to wipe our feet. Well, Emma found one that looked appetizing I guess and went to town. She only ate about an inch or two of it, but berber is just one long string like a piece of spaghetti, and she must not have realized what she got into. She just ate and ate until she reached an end. Between Don and the vet, they pulled about 6 feet of string out of her. She's very lucky it didn't kill her, and she's very lucky it was just a square of carpet or I would've killed her. Caroline's favorite new thing to say before she starts every single sentence is "you know what?" (You know what Mommy, I love you and you know what? I love Daddy too. You know what? Emma's my best friend. You know what? I like sharing with you Mommy......)If I had a dollar for every time she said that.... I had an interesting thing happen last week too. I was filling up Elizabeth's tub on the dining room table (that's where she gets her bath due to space issues!) and going back and forth from the kitchen to the tub with buckets of water to fill the tub. Well somewhere around the fourth bucket, I was standing at the sink holding Elizabeth because she was crying and I'm still filling up buckets, when I heard Caroline say "I'm sorry Mommy." and I looked and she'd pushed the stopper of the tub in with her finger and all the water was pouring out of the tub onto the table and the chairs and the carpet. I told her to go to her room until I was done with the bath and we'd talk later. She was very sorry and now every time I give Elizabeth a bath, Caroline says to me "remember mommy, when I pushed the pink thing and all the water came out? Remember?" I remember.
Well I guess that's all the news that's fit to print! See you next month.
posted: jen cowart 7:32 PM [+]
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
Well, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to add my first "blog" to the site. I can't imagine what I've been doing all this time! Actually, it hasn't been totally nuts really, just busy. Elizabeth turned one month old on Saturday. In my efforts to be equal in photo taking and other things I did for Caroline, I made Lizzy her own sign for her one month birthday and took her photo. She looked adorable. Don took it digitally too, so I'm sure it'll show up on this site! She went for her one month appointment on Tuesday. She got one shot. She's 11 pounds, 9 ounces, so she's gained four pounds since birth! She's ahead of her sister at one month, who was 10 pounds 1 ounce. She's 21 1/2 inches long, but the hospital measurement of her (21 inches) was incorrect, we later found out. She was really only 19 1/2 inches at birth so she's grown 2 inches this month as well. She's been quite the busy little girl. She went to her first summer outdoor concert in Garden City at one week old exactly. She's gone to one or two concerts a week ever since. She seems to prefer the jazz and swing bands over some of the others. She holds her head up quite well already and stands up on you if you put her on your lap. Tonight she licked Don's nose as she was standing on his lap, and she made a terrible face. Caroline still loves her, but asks every single day if she's big enough to play with her yet. She's dying for her to be a playmate. Little does she know that when Elizabeth IS big enough, Caroline won't want her to touch her stuff!!! Nights haven't been too bad, she sleeps anywhere from 2 or 3 hours at a stretch to 5 or 6 some nights. She's up for the morning around 8 or 9 and naps usually around 10ish for a couple of hours. Some days she's awake most of the day, but the last two days she's slept most of the day. These kids...just when you think they've got a little schedule going, they change it on you! Well, that's my weblog for month #1. I'll try to keep up with them, at least monthly!
posted: jen cowart 7:52 PM [+]
Saturday, June 22, 2002
Jen's weblog is up and running! Stay tuned for updates...
posted: jen cowart 7:11 PM [+]

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