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[ Wednesday, October 13, 2004 ]
332 Days until we are married.... Just a little scoop. I found my dress!!!! WHOOPPPPIEEEE!!! It's champagne in color and really really soft. My parents are so excited, Chris is anxious because we told him it had a pink hue. If you want more scoop call me because Chris has this interesting knack for being about to pry into info on the internet and possibly email....you can't be too careful. ;) It's absolutely killing me not being able to show him a picture because I'm not used to keeping things from him. Even birthdays and Christmas don't last. Once the package arrives I can hardly wait to give it to him!
My family and Chris will be going to NYC over the Thanksgiving holiday and taking a little detour for a few days to Rhode Island. We will have Thanksgiving dinner at the Cerbo household and then visit the wedding location and meet with a few vendors; the florist, the cake designer and a few photographers. Should be a busy little trip.
We are also working on the save the dates and the wedding website. The India leg of the wedding is taking on a life of its own. There are so many concerns to address with international travel. We don't want anyone to be nervous about going there because it's a fantastic place with so much to see and do!
I don't think I mentioned in the last email that my parents returned from India with all kinds of fun things for the wedding. My mom had a blast shopping (so did my dad even though he pretends my mom was the only one enjoying herself.) So far the secret is out that my outfit for the Indian wedding has already been picked out. Of course, I won't get to see if for a while. Mom tried to pretend she had no idea what I was talking about but my dad was very excited about sharing the dress details with the shop keepers at the American bridal boutiques...hee hee.
That's all for now.. I attached the photo that will be in this Friday's Pasadena Star News announcing our engagement..3 months after it happened...sigh...so much to do.
More to come!
 posted by Nina
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