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[ Monday, March 14, 2005 ]
180 days....AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I just realized that I haven't updated anyone almost all of winter quarter!!
I am officially procrastinating now...I think I am just burnt out from studying for finals.
So what has happened since I last wrote you all...
We have chosen our videographer, FINALLY (just kidding Chris), with a little help from Sony friend Kristin Whithers. Chris needed a little bump from an outside professional :).
The invitations are proving to be a little bit of a challenge because of course we are looking for something a little different and fun and when it comes right down to it, we just aren't doing a very good job of conveying what we want to the designer. We'll see how that turns out. I think we are just nervous about stifling her creativity... I have taken on a fun little task called designing all the other things that will match the invites (programs, gift bags, menus, place cards.) I'm sure I will be needing help with that. GLUE PARTY!!
My dress came in last week but I'm too scared to go in and look at it. Hermin at Saks told me when I got measured back in December, "Don't gain weight." I wish I could convey that in her cool French accent. "DOOOhn' GAAAAin WAAAeight." So of course I signed up for weight-watchers and I'm not going back until I'm down 10lbs. So far so good.
The bridesmaid's dresses are still a little bit of a concern. I'm supposed to call back in a week to see what the status is. They are so pretty. I'll be devastated if they can't seem to get the sizes right! GRR!!
The bridal registry was another pain in the booteh which is finally complete. Someone should really tell you that it's not fun! All of you married people lied to me! Chris and I finally ended up going to a few of those bridal registry parties that stores hold to get you to register with them. That ended up being the way to go. A little food and little champagne (yum)...luckily Susan White tipped me off about those. How does she find out about these things! I went to one at Bloomeys and took a co-worker of mine with me. She ended up winning a blender/food processor and gave it to me when we left! Turns out it was the one on our registry!
Other than that, we are focusing on getting details to the peoples that have bought their tickets to India. 21 people so far! I can't even believe it... It's going to be so crazy to have us all trying to get on elephants to get up the hill to the Amber Palace in Jaipur. I can't wait!
I also had a sad thought last week on the way to work. I heard some radio show host talking about the after-the-wedding-is-over-period of the marriage and how you adjust to not having this big fun thing to plan...it made me sad because I know with school and work and all the rest, the wedding will be here before we know it and it will be over before we know it. Chris told me now to worry because we could go right into planning a vacation to Italy for the fall of 2006! :) Thank goodness for starwood miles!
Love you all!posted by Nina
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